Tag: death

Samuel Jacobowitz Samuel Jacobowitz (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer Emeritus

Northeast Ohio Medical University

Sam is a first-year medical student in the Class of 2016, third-year Ohioan, eighth-year distance runner, and 21st-year brother. He enjoys a little reading, a bit of writing, and plenty of social media and ted.com. But most of all, he likes to spend his free time being goofy with close friends and family.

Gray Matter

While watching one of my favorite television medical shows recently, I came across a line — uttered fast and so obviously not meant to draw attention — yet it had the opposite effect. I heard one of the attendings tell a resident or student, “Continue if you’d like.” I think my fixation is a bit more understandable if I set the scene: There was a trauma in the ER. A patient was carted in on a …

Grief and Social Media

On June 8, 2012, William Ferrell, the pseudonym for a friend I have chosen to write on, passed away. He and I were not terribly close friends. Playing in the marching band together for three years, we would talk about the microcosm of high school and about out political views, but we never invested further in each other’s lives. We may have spoken once in person after graduation. What I remember the most about his …

Mahesh Chandrasekhar Mahesh Chandrasekhar (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer Emeritus

University of Louisville School of Medicine

Mahesh is a member of the class of 2014 at the University of Louisville School of Medicine. Strong interest in the interplay of social and medical ethics; evidence based medicine.