
Through the course of medical education, students learn to call for “consults” from various medical specialties. Yet, consults can come in many forms — from social work, nutrition, law, ethics and policy. There is also much to be learned from premedical and post-bacc students, who may be walking into medicine with a fresh set of eyes. “Consults” invites experienced non-clinicians and undergraduates to contribute pieces relevant to the medical student community.

Jung Uk Kang Jung Uk Kang (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Baylor College of Medicine

Jung Uk Kang is a post-doctoral associate at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX. In 2023, he graduated from Washington University School of Medicine with a PhD in neuroscience. He enjoys tennis, biking, and drumming. In the future, Jung Uk would like to purse a career in the field of systems neuroscience.

Complexity to Be Unfolded: from “Swiss Army Knife” to “Coexistence”

Science, in German, is Wissenschaft, which translates to “pursuit of knowledge” in English. I recently finished my neuroscience PhD training and revisited my scientific journey spanning from my teenage years to my PhD thesis. As a teenager, I was busy memorizing knowledge from textbooks. As an undergraduate, I had some experiences where I learned that science is not always as clear-cut as what I was taught in classes. As a PhD student, I have been trained to look at scientific findings with a critical eye and always ask if they are accurate.

Winning the Health Care Game

Ever since I could remember, I stood out in my class for all the wrong reasons. I was the kid who dangled his feet from chairs while others rested their feet flat, the kid forced to stand in the front during class photos and the kid who always had his height checked by the ride operator during field trips to the local amusement parks.

Speaking of Stigma

I placed the first pill on my tongue, opened my mouth so the nurse could see, closed my mouth, swallowed the pill, and opened my mouth again so the nurse could confirm that I had swallowed it. I had to repeat this for nine more tablets and this drill continued for seven days a week and for seven more months of the treatment.

With Love, Your PA Classmate

As my fellow PA students and I compared notes after our first cadaver dissection session with our medical student colleagues here at Stanford University, we discovered that more than a few of us had fielded slightly abashed questions from our MD student counterparts along the lines of, “So, what exactly is a PA?”

Ashley Luebbers Ashley Luebbers (1 Posts)

Physician Assistant Student Guest Writer

Eastern Virginia Medical School

Ashley Luebbers is a physician assistant student at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, VA. In 2011, she graduated from James Madison University with a Bachelor of Science in dietetics, and she obtained a Master of Science in nutrition and dietetics from Central Michigan University in 2016. In her free time, she enjoys traveling with friends and reading C.S. Lewis novels. After graduating in May 2019, Ashley plans to work in emergency medicine with a focus in pediatrics.