
Michael James (2 Posts)

Contributing Writer

CUNY School of Medicine

Michael is a medical student at the Sophie Davis/CUNY School of Medicine in New York City, a seven-year combined BS/MD program in New York City, Class of 2026. In 2022, he graduated from the City College of New York with a Bachelor's of Science in biomedical sciences. He enjoys playing billiards and the classical guitar in his free time. After graduating medical school, Michael is interested in a career in vascular or cerebrovascular surgery. His research interests include regenerative medicine, medical education and medical technology.

My Best Friend

The clock strikes 12, and there is silence. My apartment from the street appears to be dark, but the light in my room is on; I am wide awake with my best friend. He has many scars from my abuse over the years — deep scratches, soft blemishes, light scuffs. Nevertheless, with my tuning, he still sings beautifully. His voice, mellifluous, rings out in the silence. He is an antique, my most prized possession, my …

Filial Piety

In his 2019 Netflix Special, comedian Ronnie Chieng made some of the most astute (and hilarious) observations on a long held Asian American model minority stereotype. In a short three minute segment, Ronnie delivered over the top impressions of Asian parents’ carnal thirst for ‘money and prestige’ that’s only quenched by having a doctor in the family.  He moved on to quickly highlight the insidious irony of the very same parental figures being just as …

To The Incoming Medical Student

It was a warm summer day in July, and I felt trepidation as I prepared to meet my very first patient. This encounter marked my initiation into the world of clinical practice as a budding, first-year medical student. My patient, whom I will refer to as Bob, appeared to be in his late 50s. He was of average height, with a sturdy, muscular build and a distinguished touch of gray lining his temples. His eyes …

Nathan Oommen (2 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Albany Medical College

Nathan is a second-year medical student at Albany Medical College in Albany, New York class of 2025. In 2021, he graduated from Union College with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Psychology and from Clarkson University with a Masters in Business Administration in Healthcare Management. He enjoys playing basketball and guitar in his free time. After graduating medical school, Nathan would like to pursue a career in internal med/cardiology with involvement in healthcare administration and public health.