Tag: nonverbal communication

Mark Halim (1 Posts)

Mark Halim is a 4th year medical student at the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine. He is interested in clinical and public health research, and passionate about being involved in his community throughout his education and career. He always enjoys learning from his colleagues and peers, and hopes to take every opportunity as an opportunity for learning and growth. As he continues to learn, he hopes to contribute something that may benefit others.

Mark Halim (1 Posts)

Mark Halim is a 4th year medical student at the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine. He is interested in clinical and public health research, and passionate about being involved in his community throughout his education and career. He always enjoys learning from his colleagues and peers, and hopes to take every opportunity as an opportunity for learning and growth. As he continues to learn, he hopes to contribute something that may benefit others.