Author: Jordan Perchik

Jordan Perchik Jordan Perchik (3 Posts)

Contributing Writer

University of Tennessee Health Science Center

I am currently a medical student at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, and a proud contributor to in-Training.

Volunteering in Medical School

In our undergraduate careers and as far back as high school, we were encouraged, and often required, to volunteer and serve our community. Whether it was a project we believed in or just something to put on our resumes, volunteering was a part of every medical student’s life before enrolling. As classes have grown more hectic and free time becomes scarcer throughout the years, service activities are often cut from the schedule. It is not unusual for medical students to leave behind passions; I know concert violinists who no longer play, Division I athletes who no longer compete, and people who traveled all over the world that never leave the library.

Flipped Classroom: When it Fails and Why

Recently, the university I attend switched from the traditional didactic format to a “flipped classroom.” A flipped classroom shifts class time away from a lecture format to a more discussion based, allowing exchange between students and professor, as well among students. Ideally, the flipped classroom format allows students to come to lecture with a broad knowledge of the subject at hand, and during the lecture hour, the professor helps to hone this knowledge and contextualize …

Past Life Memories

I feel like many of us talk about our lives before medical school as if we were recalling memories from a past incarnation. It’s almost as if it wasn’t us who traveled the world and studied music and worked as an engineer. As for myself, I had a passion for environmental science and religious studies. I traveled through southern Africa and South America working in national parks, reporting on conservation policy and enjoying the diversity of the …

Jordan Perchik Jordan Perchik (3 Posts)

Contributing Writer

University of Tennessee Health Science Center

I am currently a medical student at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, and a proud contributor to in-Training.