Author: Isis Lunsky

Isis Lunsky Isis Lunsky (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Queen's University

Isis Lunsky is a medical student at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Class of 2024. Prior to medical school, she graduated with her bachelors in health sciences with a minor in chemistry from Mcmaster University, in Hamilton, ON. In her spare time, she loves reading, baking scones, choreographing dance routines, and supporting local theatre. After medical school, she hopes to pursue a surgical career where she can advocate for equity in the field as well as within medical education.

“I Don’t Think She’d Be a Good Fit”: Reflections on Gender Roles in Surgery

Despite ongoing efforts and changing perspectives, gender equity in surgical specialties has not yet been achieved and is not simply a problem of the past. Only in addressing deep-seated gender roles and actively creating opportunities for the representation of women and gender-diverse persons in surgery can surgeons in Canada accurately reflect the populations they serve.

Isis Lunsky Isis Lunsky (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Queen's University

Isis Lunsky is a medical student at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Class of 2024. Prior to medical school, she graduated with her bachelors in health sciences with a minor in chemistry from Mcmaster University, in Hamilton, ON. In her spare time, she loves reading, baking scones, choreographing dance routines, and supporting local theatre. After medical school, she hopes to pursue a surgical career where she can advocate for equity in the field as well as within medical education.