Author: Yashwin Tah

Yashwin Tah Yashwin Tah (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer Emeritus

Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences

I'm a medical student in India. I believe in global unity and dream of a liberal India. Traveler, observer, dreamer, Star Wars fan.

The “Specialist” Doctor: The Problem of Competition in Indian Medical Education

Competition since time immemorial has forged the spirit to excel. It has driven us to learn, to evolve, to survive. In every aspect of life, from sports to politics to education, competition plays its part. After all, it was competition which put man on the moon. So naturally, medicine, and more precisely medical education, also has competition. All of the examinations, tests and everyday learning involve some form of competition. Competition motivates us to learn …

Yashwin Tah Yashwin Tah (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer Emeritus

Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences

I'm a medical student in India. I believe in global unity and dream of a liberal India. Traveler, observer, dreamer, Star Wars fan.