Tag: gen z

May Ameri (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

UT McGovern Medical School

May is a medical student at UT McGovern Medical School in Houston, TX Class of 2024. In 2020, she graduated from the University of Houston with a Bachelor of Sciences in honors biomedical sciences and minors in medical humanities, ethics, politics, and law. She enjoys reading, writing, traveling, making playlists, Pilates, exploring everything her city has to offer, spending quality time with friends, and all things art-related! In the future, May would like to pursue a career in ophthalmology with a focus on medical tech and innovation, global ophthalmology, and equity and justice in medicine.

May Ameri (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

UT McGovern Medical School

May is a medical student at UT McGovern Medical School in Houston, TX Class of 2024. In 2020, she graduated from the University of Houston with a Bachelor of Sciences in honors biomedical sciences and minors in medical humanities, ethics, politics, and law. She enjoys reading, writing, traveling, making playlists, Pilates, exploring everything her city has to offer, spending quality time with friends, and all things art-related! In the future, May would like to pursue a career in ophthalmology with a focus on medical tech and innovation, global ophthalmology, and equity and justice in medicine.