Tag: health literacy

Zoha Irfan Zoha Irfan (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine

Zoha is a fourth year medical student at Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine in Miami, Florida class of 2024. In 2020, she graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science in applied physiology and kinesiology. She enjoys exercise, baking, and socializing with friends in her free time.

Kayla Morrell (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Sidney Kimmel Medical College

Kayla Morrell is a second year medical student at Sidney Kimmel Medical College in Philadelphia, PA, class of 2023. In 2019, she graduated from the University of Delaware with a Bachelor of Science in biological sciences. She minored in anthropology. She enjoys running, cooking, and watching Netflix in her free time. After graduating medical school, Kayla would like to pursue a career in pediatrics.