Tag: human rights

Alexa Lean (2 Posts)

Contributing Writer

George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Alexa is in the Class of 2018 at the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Limitless: The Physician as Human

My entire life’s work has culminated in medical school. Every volunteer organization, every organic molecule I drew, every sacrifice I made in the name of studying has led to being here in Washington, D.C. Why? To join the ranks of the people I held with the highest esteem: doctors. Doctors were the embodiment of justice, beneficence and non-maleficence in my mind: flawless humans. Something I overlooked in that belief was that doctors are, in fact, …

Hemorrhaging People

We discover, learn about and follow important world events through the endeavors of journalists and reporters working within media outlets which, taken wholly, has the purpose of disseminating information, presenting opposing analyses, and constructing discernible truths from a finite data pool. This purpose notwithstanding, as commercial entities, news organizations are still influenced by the need to continually associate with “fresh” topics lest they lose eyes and ears to the competition. Of course, what is and …

Preserving Human Rights as a Medical Student

Medicine is the career path I have chosen to pursue, and I feel grateful to live in a city I adore while I work in a field I love. I have long taken for granted that I can make choices about where I want my life to go because of the freedoms I have in this country, because of my family and friends’ support, and because of the resources that are available to me. Ultimately, …


How can doctors-in-training honor their cultural heritage in their practice of medicine? Angie, a second-year medical student in Texas, describes how her Syrian heritage and deep concern about health care in Syria today drives her motivation to become a physician.

Impartial Witnesses

An open letter appeared in the world’s most prominent medical journal a few weeks ago with the title “Let us treat patients in Syria.” Carrying the signatures of 55 esteemed physicians from around the world, including three Nobel laureates, the letter served as a condemnation of the collapsing medical infrastructure in the region due, in part, to the “deliberate targeting of medical facilities and personnel.” Saleyha Ahsan, an emergency medicine physician and signatory, subsequently published an op-ed in …

The Good in Good Work

In my previous column, I touched on the American role in the Syrian civil war by pointing out that, at the time, we were lending financial assistance to rebel forces opposed to the Assad regime. State-sponsored violence including the targeted eradication of women and children served as strong justification for the call to oust President Bashar al-Assad from power. Indeed, the figure that was most quoted in the press was 70,000 lives claimed in less than two …

Women Hold Up Half the Sky

Many are accustomed to hearing the phrase “Behind every great man there’s a great woman.” Yet, if this is the case, why are many women of the world being tormented physically, mentally and emotionally every day? And how does medicine take a role in this dilemma? Fistulas are an abnormal connection or passageway between an organ, vessel or intestinal structure. In the Western world, obstetric fistulas are commonly due to obstructed labor or lack of …

Silent Casualties: Medical Students for Syria

On March 25, the satirical news organization The Onion published an op-ed written by the president of Syria: “Hello. My name is Bashar al-Assad. I am the president of Syria, and in the last two years, you–the citizens of the world and their governments–have allowed me to kill 70,000 people … Because I’m able to continue doing this, I can only conclude that killing nearly 100,000 people must be an acceptable thing.” Seventy thousand is the …