The Tomato Plant
We work in a hospital / Faithfully / Like the tomato plant / Serving a garden community
Poetry Thursdays is our initiative to highlight poetry and prose by medical students, with a new post every Thursday. If you are interested in contributing or would like to learn more, please contact our editors.
We work in a hospital / Faithfully / Like the tomato plant / Serving a garden community
Deeper than its captivating shape / lies a greater purpose.
5:37 a.m. in hospital scrubs / Just a few minutes with each patient.
It was pink / like the flowers he buys his wife. / It was not uniform.
The motor commands that choreograph speech are a privilege to possess, though I frequently find myself thinking / about silence, / and the reasons for which I may choose to leave it unbroken.
Jagged shards of lightning playfully dance across the horizon, / their shrieks of war struggling to keep up … / I hesitantly about-face and land my gaze upon his ethereal face.
On the first day of lecture, my dear, sweet professor / Had fallen ill with a case of the flu.
There is pain on her face. / I’m walking on the busy sidewalk, / I don’t know her.
Open. / Open abdomens. / Idealized organs from Netter’s in the flesh.
Soon, / There / Will be / A true cure.
I have stood on both sides of the line– / The line between mother and medic; / The line between parent and practitioner.
time, / its lifespan ceases to exist / as the gold warmth of your hazel eyes surround me