Tag: women’s health

Ajay Koti Ajay Koti (17 Posts)

Columnist and in-Training Staff Member

Morsani College of Medicine at the University of South Florida

Ajay is a pediatric resident and a Class of 2017 graduate of the SELECT MD program at the University of South Florida. He is passionate about delivering primary care to underserved populations—specifically, low-income and homeless patients in urban centers. Ajay will be specializing in pediatrics, with a particular interest in child maltreatment.

M.D. or Bust

Numerous studies have documented that medical students lose empathy during clinical years, becoming jaded and pessimistic. This has been linked not only to diminished enjoyment of our work, but also to worse patient outcomes. My goal is to sustain the humanistic values that drive so many of us to medicine, so that, instead of being quelled by cynicism, our idealism can be refined by wisdom.

“Es un milagro, señora.”

“Es un milagro, señora.” It was getting late, and the clinic waiting room was almost empty. It was OB/GYN day, and the patients—predominantly Spanish speaking migrant agricultural workers—had all finally been seen. All except Maria, who was still in the exam room. Her six-year-old son, Joaquin, skittered around the outside corridor, under the watchful eye of the nurses preparing to close up shop. I was in the exam room with the doctor and Maria, and …

Women, Autoimmune Diseases and the Demographic Transition

The incidence of autoimmune diseases has tripled in the past few decades, and they cost the United States more than $100 billion each year. Additionally, an autoimmune disease typically lasts for the person’s lifetime, and there are no known cures, which further put a major financial burden on the health care system. Current estimates show that 5-8% of people have autoimmune diseases worldwide, and it is estimated that over 23 million Americans suffer from them. …

Prepped: Reflections on a Stillbirth

“Are you really prepared to see this?” the doctor asked staring intensely at me, his arm blocking my way to the patient’s room. “Yes,” I replied hesitantly. “You prepped me on the patient already.” “Kid, I didn’t ask if you were prepped. I asked if you were prepared.” I knew that a scheduled delivery for a miscarriage would be a traumatic experience. I knew that it required the utmost sensitivity and compassion. Dr. A had …

Women Warriors: Time Spent at a Breast Cancer Clinic

The woman sits anxiously in the exam room, fidgeting with her green clay necklace. She was referred because of an incidental finding on a physical exam mandated by her insurance company. Another woman in her 50s, with streaks of gray hair, calmly sits in the room next door with her head held high, preparing herself for the worse. She had felt a lump on her breast while showering. The corner room contains a young Mexican …

Women Hold Up Half the Sky

Many are accustomed to hearing the phrase “Behind every great man there’s a great woman.” Yet, if this is the case, why are many women of the world being tormented physically, mentally and emotionally every day? And how does medicine take a role in this dilemma? Fistulas are an abnormal connection or passageway between an organ, vessel or intestinal structure. In the Western world, obstetric fistulas are commonly due to obstructed labor or lack of …

High Risk

When most people think of the labor and delivery department (L&D), they probably have thoughts of babies, laughter, tears of joy, happiness, and pink and blue onesies. My experience on L&D was quite different. A woman who was 26 weeks pregnant walked into the hospital at 10 p.m. on a Monday night, claiming that her water broke. But how could that be? She was only 26 weeks along. It was determined that she had preterm …

The Invisible Mandate

On August 1, 2012, while most of the world was tuned into the Summer Olympics underway in London, American women experienced a milestone—and they didn’t seem to notice. Thanks to Facebook’s Timeline feature, I am able to recall that morning clearly: driving into the hospital shortly after 4 a.m. to pre-round on my gynecologic oncology patients, NPR was busy reporting on the scandal that shook competitive badminton. Yet, despite coverage by major media both in …

Nikki Nametz Nikki Nametz (2 Posts)

Editor Emeritus: Former Medical Student Editor (2012-2013) and Former Resident Editor (2013-2014)

University of Arizona College of Medicine

After completing medical school at University of Arizona College of Medicine in 2013, I've moved on to residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Kaiser Permanente -- Los Angeles Medical Center. I'm passionate about preserving women's reproductive choices, ensuring access to health care for all Americans, and facilitating scientific discovery in medicine. Also, I hate writing, which is unfortunate because I've got some things to say. (If this whole being a doctor thing falls through, I plan to camp outside The Onion headquarters until someone hires me.)