Author: Varesh Gorabi

Varesh Gorabi (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine

Varesh is a second year medical student at The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) John Sealy School of Medicine in Galveston, Texas, class of 2026. In 2020, she graduated from The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley with a Bachelor of Science in biomedical sciences. She enjoys reading, baking, macro-photography and spending quality time with friends. Varesh is currently interested in internal medicine, neurology and pediatrics.

Varesh Gorabi (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine

Varesh is a second year medical student at The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) John Sealy School of Medicine in Galveston, Texas, class of 2026. In 2020, she graduated from The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley with a Bachelor of Science in biomedical sciences. She enjoys reading, baking, macro-photography and spending quality time with friends. Varesh is currently interested in internal medicine, neurology and pediatrics.