Tag: clinical rotations

Raymond Loza (2 Posts)

Contributing Writer Emeritus

University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine

Raymond is a member of the Class of 2015 at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine.

I Blew Out My Eye

There are some cases you see in the hospital that compel or affirm your interest in a specific field of medicine. I have always been interested in infectious disease (ID), and I am known as “the bug guy” in my class. It’s an odd choice, and I am one of the few that I have met in my class with a true passion for ID. I admit that it seems a bit alienating at times, …

Transitioning Onto the Wards as a Third-Year Student

The transition from the second to third year of medical school is like moving from adolescence to adulthood. Your first two years are relatively simple and you have few responsibilities beyond studying. Then, you begin third year and not only do you have to study, but you have to take care of someone else’s health. Most of the transitions only require a minor adjustment to your daily activities. For instance, you’ll finally be able to …

A Med Student’s Guide To The OR

The OR is exciting for some, scary for others, and boring for the rest. No matter what you think before going into the OR, there are a few things you need to know to enhance your experience. 1. Show up on time to the procedure. It’s awkward introducing yourself in the middle of the procedure while the surgeon’s head is down and is intensely operating. 2. Find out the type of procedure before attending it …

Mind Your Perspective

Third years — this one’s for you. You’re already a few months into the year, and probably getting the hang of things by now. As you wade through the ocean of scut, progress notes, and evaluations, it can be easy to lose sight of the potential bias in your perspective.  However, if you remain mindful of your perspective, you may be a better judge of your specialty interests while simultaneously getting more enjoyment out of your …

Mohammad Esfahanian Mohammad Esfahanian (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer Emeritus

Wayne State University School of Medicine

About me: Two parts Keith Richards, one part Mick Jagger, and dash of David Bowie all mixed in a bowl of Carl Sagan. I am a hopeful future resident in pediatrics with a passion for medical education and mentoring.