Tag: poetry

Natalie David Natalie David (3 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Emory University School of Medicine

Natalie is a medical student at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia class of 2026. In 2022, she graduated from Muhlenberg College as valedictorian with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and minor in Jewish studies. She enjoys reading fantasy novels and playing with her pet rabbits in her free time. After graduating medical school, Natalie would like to pursue a career in psychiatry.

Jumping: From Between Two Worlds

I am moving, yet I am going nowhere. I am going nowhere, yet I have come a long way. I do not count how many go by, but each spin demands that I keep moving. With every rotation, I take another step, another leap, one jump on this Earth. These cycles fly by, so much so that I can almost hear them as they whoosh over my head in an instant, making seconds go slow.


I start the day like most of us do: stimulating the needy vessels we call bodies with caffeine. As I open up my coffee jar to dispense ground Turkish coffee beans, I am met with a hint of loving bitterness. It carries a comforting brown sugar warmth that often stirs a sense of weakness given my inherent dependency on this substance but also commands secure boldness through notes of molasses and dark chocolate.

Hannah Ship Hannah Ship (3 Posts)

Contributing Writer

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Hannah is a medical student at University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in Miami, FL, Class of 2024. In 2019, she graduated from University of California, Los Angeles with a Bachelor of Science in Psychobiology. Hannah is currently pursuing a dual-degree MD/MPH with a focus in health equity. She enjoys yoga and cooking in her free time. After graduating medical school, Hannah would like to pursue a career in Internal Medicine.