Tag: tech

Benjamin Meyers Benjamin Meyers (4 Posts)


Thomas Jefferson University

Benjamin Meyers is a third-year medical student at Thomas Jefferson University. In 2015, he graduated from the University of Michigan with a Bachelor of Science in neuroscience. He enjoys watching Michigan sports, working on a podcast when he can, and reminiscing about the videos he used to make for Scientific American. In the future, Ben would like to be a medical correspondent.

Sarah Linden Sarah Linden (1 Posts)

Guest Writer

(To) Where Matters

Patterns and geography have always excited Sarah, which is why she has dedicated her career to being an expert in spatial data analysis. For Sarah, (To) is the ability to help others understand the power of geography, drive them to achieve personal growth through the intersection of prioritization and opportunity, and help solve a challenge we all face—achieving the best version of ourself, no matter where we are.