Author: Suzanne Murphy

Suzanne Murphy Suzanne Murphy (4 Posts)


Royal College of Surgeons Ireland

Full time medical student. Future surgeon. Part time nurse. Lifelong bibliophile. I stop on the street to talk to dogs.

Cutting It

A medical degree offers students a global skill, where they can work anywhere in the world. But in reality, how easy it is to leave one health service for another? Join Suzanne as she navigates studying in Ireland while planning for a surgical residency abroad.

Suzanne Murphy Suzanne Murphy (4 Posts)


Royal College of Surgeons Ireland

Full time medical student. Future surgeon. Part time nurse. Lifelong bibliophile. I stop on the street to talk to dogs.

Cutting It

A medical degree offers students a global skill, where they can work anywhere in the world. But in reality, how easy it is to leave one health service for another? Join Suzanne as she navigates studying in Ireland while planning for a surgical residency abroad.