From the Wards

Ema Mathai (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Ross University School of Medicine

Ema is a third-year medical student at Ross University School of Medicine. Born and raised in St. Louis, MO, she enjoys keeping her houseplants alive, outdoor walks and watching The Office on repeat.

My Name is Non-Negotiable

Twenty years later, I still brace myself for the mispronunciation, even if I introduce myself first and enunciate clearly. Sometimes I give up and allow the mispronunciation to continue because I feel uncomfortable correcting them repeatedly. But I shouldn’t have to. My name is my name and should not be explored, like finding synonyms in a thesaurus.

The Art of Communication

Growing up, I wanted to be an actress. It amazed me how actors could make a story seem so real and how easily I would fall in love with characters I’d known for only 90 minutes. Most of the kids in my neighborhood would play outside together, but I always wanted to stay home and watch my favorite movie, Shutter Island.

Silent Wounds

I realized that in my approach, she saw echoes of her abuser and an imbalance of power. I made sure to sit down in the chair next to her, eye level, to show her I was here to listen. No longer did I need my stethoscope. I had my most powerful tool of all, my listening skills.

Medical Anniversaries

During my family medicine rotation, I experienced one of my most memorable patient encounters. Accompanied by her daughter, my patient came for her annual physical with her primary care physician. Approaching them with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness, I couldn’t help but notice the genuine happiness radiating from both of them.

“I Don’t Think She’d Be a Good Fit”: Reflections on Gender Roles in Surgery

Despite ongoing efforts and changing perspectives, gender equity in surgical specialties has not yet been achieved and is not simply a problem of the past. Only in addressing deep-seated gender roles and actively creating opportunities for the representation of women and gender-diverse persons in surgery can surgeons in Canada accurately reflect the populations they serve.

Leave It at the Door

As a medical student, I have found that one of the biggest challenges during my journey through the many clinical experiences is the ability to truly immerse myself in my patients’ stories and attempt to place myself in their shoes when thoughts of other clinical and academic responsibilities were constantly hovering over my head.

Salma Elsheikh (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Florida State University College of Medicine

Salma is a medical student at Florida State University College of Medicine in Sarasota, FL, Class of 2025. In 2020, she graduated from Florida State University with a bachelor of science in interdisciplinary medical sciences. She enjoys reading, hiking, sketching, attending operas as well as writing poetry in her free time. After graduating medical school, Salma would like to pursue a career in internal medicine.