Tag: clinical rotations

May Ameri (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

UT McGovern Medical School

May is a medical student at UT McGovern Medical School in Houston, TX Class of 2024. In 2020, she graduated from the University of Houston with a Bachelor of Sciences in honors biomedical sciences and minors in medical humanities, ethics, politics, and law. She enjoys reading, writing, traveling, making playlists, Pilates, exploring everything her city has to offer, spending quality time with friends, and all things art-related! In the future, May would like to pursue a career in ophthalmology with a focus on medical tech and innovation, global ophthalmology, and equity and justice in medicine.

It’s Time to Improve Medical Education on Obesity

In light of obesity’s concerning prevalence and economic burden, it becomes imperative that we equip future health care providers with the knowledge and skills essential for effective obesity management. However, despite the numerous consequences of obesity on both individuals and society, medical students are often found to be inadequately prepared to discuss weight management with patients.

Silent Wounds

I realized that in my approach, she saw echoes of her abuser and an imbalance of power. I made sure to sit down in the chair next to her, eye level, to show her I was here to listen. No longer did I need my stethoscope. I had my most powerful tool of all, my listening skills.

“I Don’t Think She’d Be a Good Fit”: Reflections on Gender Roles in Surgery

Despite ongoing efforts and changing perspectives, gender equity in surgical specialties has not yet been achieved and is not simply a problem of the past. Only in addressing deep-seated gender roles and actively creating opportunities for the representation of women and gender-diverse persons in surgery can surgeons in Canada accurately reflect the populations they serve.

More Than Skin Deep

As a future physician, this experience reminded me to remain empathetic, compassionate and unbiased in all aspects of patient care. By doing so, I can not only improve trust and connection with my patients but also ensure that my clinical judgment remains clear.

What They See First

The beauty of medicine is that we are trained to see each person as an individual, not as a victim of their stereotypes. We are taught that we are more than our skin color, our religion, our clothing or our gender. But even though I see more than a patient’s demographic on static paper, those same patients, and sometimes even colleagues, fail to see me as more than just a woman.

Daniella Nunez Daniella Nunez (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine

Daniella is a third-year medical student at Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine in Miami, FL, Class of 2024. In 2019, she graduated from Florida International University with a Bachelor of Science and Arts in biology and philosophy She enjoys Olympic weightlifting, reading horror novels and making intricate meals in her free time. After graduating medical school, Daniella would like to pursue a career in Anesthesia Critical Care.