Tag: doctor-patient relationship

Sudharshini Prasanna (1 Posts)

Pre-Medical Student Writer

University of Houston

Sudharshini Prasanna is an undergraduate student at the University of Houston in Houston, Texas, Class of 2026. When she is not baking and eating all of her cookies with her dog Mowgli, she spends her time penning experiences into creative stories both real and fantastical. She carefully weaves a unique message in each of her stories in hopes that it reaches a diverse audience. Sudharshini aspires to pursue a career in orthopedics.

Speaking of Stigma

I placed the first pill on my tongue, opened my mouth so the nurse could see, closed my mouth, swallowed the pill, and opened my mouth again so the nurse could confirm that I had swallowed it. I had to repeat this for nine more tablets and this drill continued for seven days a week and for seven more months of the treatment.

Navigating Cultural Sensitivities and Trust in Health Care: A Personal Encounter in Family Medicine

Skepticism of health care is widespread throughout some of these communities — rightly so due to historical mistreatment, discrimination and lack of representation along with cultural differences. This distrust may be further strengthened by a patient’s own personal experiences. I respected this wariness, but I had yet to witness it firsthand.

My Name is Non-Negotiable

Twenty years later, I still brace myself for the mispronunciation, even if I introduce myself first and enunciate clearly. Sometimes I give up and allow the mispronunciation to continue because I feel uncomfortable correcting them repeatedly. But I shouldn’t have to. My name is my name and should not be explored, like finding synonyms in a thesaurus.

The Art of Communication

Growing up, I wanted to be an actress. It amazed me how actors could make a story seem so real and how easily I would fall in love with characters I’d known for only 90 minutes. Most of the kids in my neighborhood would play outside together, but I always wanted to stay home and watch my favorite movie, Shutter Island.

Silent Wounds

I realized that in my approach, she saw echoes of her abuser and an imbalance of power. I made sure to sit down in the chair next to her, eye level, to show her I was here to listen. No longer did I need my stethoscope. I had my most powerful tool of all, my listening skills.

Nathanael Camick Nathanael Camick (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Florida International University College of Medicine

Nathanael is a medical student at Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine in Miami, FL, Class of 2025. In 2020, he graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a bachelor of arts in public health and natural sciences. Prior to medical school, he worked as a research coordinator in pulmonary and critical care medicine at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Outside of medicine, he enjoys watching and playing sports, relaxing at the beach and listening to music.