Tag: MS1

Avneet Soin (3 Posts)


Tufts University School of Medicine

Avneet Soin is a member of the Class of 2021 at Tufts University School of Medicine. She graduated from Tufts University with a degree in Biopsychology, and is a proud double Jumbo. When she's not studying, she enjoys finding new cafes with great latte art, going to concerts, and reading.

Abnormal is the New Normal

Given that we are in a profession that aims to prevent harm, treat ailments and promote healthy living, the concept of an ideal body seems to be embedded in our work. The problem with the idea of normalcy, however, is that it is an ill-defined and very subjective idea that varies among each individual.

A Hardened Heart: Lessons from the Autopsy Room

As I lifted my head away from my work, I realized that I was being watched. On the other side of the window was a group of five young women, mouths agape and eyes wide open. They were students, up and coming radiology technicians, brought here to observe. Their instructor was hoping to desensitize them to the harsh reality of death and prepare them for the day that they would venture here alone with mobile x-ray machines.

Taylor Turnbull Taylor Turnbull (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Medical University of South Carolina

Taylor is a third year medical student at the Medical University of South Carolina. She completed her undergraduate education at the University of South Carolina and is a proud gamecock. Her plans are to pursue a career in general surgery and to one day provide surgical care to patients in the rural southeastern United States. Her passions include rural healthcare, medical history, and humanism in the practice of medicine.