Tag: preclinical

Prisca Mbonu Prisca Mbonu (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Burnett School of Medicine at Texas Christian University

Prisca Mbonu is a medical student at the Burnett School of Medicine at TCU in Fort Worth, Texas class of 2026. She graduated with her Bachelor of Science degree in 2020. She is interested in narrative medicine and in her free time she enjoys writing poems and short stories about her experiences during her medical training.

To The Incoming Medical Student

It was a warm summer day in July, and I felt trepidation as I prepared to meet my very first patient. This encounter marked my initiation into the world of clinical practice as a budding, first-year medical student. My patient, whom I will refer to as Bob, appeared to be in his late 50s. He was of average height, with a sturdy, muscular build and a distinguished touch of gray lining his temples. His eyes …

Catching Threads at the End of Preclinical

I hope my classmates, communities, and I all dance far more often with health than sickness. I pray that soon the last hospital bed holds the last patient with COVID. I hope justice and truth prevail. I hope we hold onto what we carry: the love of friends and family, a resilience tried and true, bravery unbridled and faith that we will persevere among the challenges life affords. I hope that after long days of caring for others, we care for ourselves and call a friend, a loved one, a therapist — and remember how far we’ve come. We have been patients, and we will be patients, even as we care for patients.

Dissecting Anatomy Lab: The Lifecycle of Anatomy Instruction

It is the day before the first anatomy lab for the first-year medical students, and a single professor walks alone, up and down rows of tables laden with 26 naked, embalmed bodies. He silently shares a few minutes with the donors, a private thank-you. Soon the donors will be covered in white sheets, and the students will tentatively spill through the locked wooden doors of the labs, a rush of anticipation, teamwork, questions and learning.

Starting from Scratch: Building MS1 Teamwork During the Pandemic

None of us pictured beginning medical school in a pandemic. Most of us are still in shock we were admitted to medical school owing to severe imposter syndrome. Despite the exceedingly virtual nature of the fall semester — as of now, our only in-person activities are optional anatomy labs — we have hitherto made the most of this experience. Undeterred by the inability to partake in many in-person activities as a class, we are fostering meaningful relationships with our peers online and in person.

Jake Eggett (2 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Jake is a first-year student at Rocky Vista University. He enjoys reading, weightlifting, and writing about himself in third person. twitter.com/jakeeggett