Tag: self-care

Varesh Gorabi (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine

Varesh is a second year medical student at The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) John Sealy School of Medicine in Galveston, Texas, class of 2026. In 2020, she graduated from The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley with a Bachelor of Science in biomedical sciences. She enjoys reading, baking, macro-photography and spending quality time with friends. Varesh is currently interested in internal medicine, neurology and pediatrics.

Combating Burnout With Gratitude

In the middle of my second year of medical school, I began noticing early signs and symptoms of burnout. The stress, anxiety and diminishing joy terrified me because I wondered: How could I already be burned out when I had not even studied for Step 1 or started rotations at the hospital? Were there any remedies to what I was experiencing?

Valerie Efros Valerie Efros (5 Posts)


Michigan State University College of Human Medicine

Hello! I'm Valerie. I'm from the suburbs of Detroit and graduated from Michigan State University in 2009 with my BA in Psychology. I'm currently living in Grand Rapids Michigan with my fiance Adam, where I'm now in my second year of medical school at MSUCHM. I'm the aunt of two little kiddies that I love to death (Asher 3.5 and Shana 1.5) and the proud mama of a silly red-brown dog named Bo. Before starting medical school, I sang in an a cappella group for 3 years, traveled to India, volunteered at a Navajo hospital in New Mexico and many other uninteresting things I won't mention. I still sing as much as I can, love hot vinyasa yoga, hiking, camping and spending time with my family. If I'm not studying, you can probably find me on my couch in sweat pants eating frozen yogurt, watching Modern Family, The Mindy Project or The Goldberg's.

Therapeutic Misadventures

Therapeutic Misadventures catalogs the unanticipated effects of medical school and is meant to provide a sense of the emotional roller coaster that is medical education. It is a peek into what it really feels like to be a medical student and the perpetual challenges that come with that life. Spoiler alert: it's hard.