Off the Shelf
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Five Inestimable Pounds

A canvas
Of delicately oiled
Skin, stretched taut
Over five pounds of desperate
Longing that recalled hopeful
Conversations, until the
Blades of splintered sun
The lonely ebony night,
And guttural sobs, when
her trickle of crimson had
Found them wanting,


Five inestimable pounds, that was
A fragrant sunflower
From the blooming fields of Tuscany,
Whose wilting heralded
A day when somersaults, hiccups
And carefree gambol


An armada of unknowing acquaintances
Who shot congratulatory darts
At a mother whose belly was
Large with the grief her
Heart could not hold,

And whose bound breasts
For a silent mouth;
A mouth gone cold.

A mahogany crib that sat
Like the dreams they left
With a dusty car seat
In the corner of a room.

Elizabeth Shay Elizabeth Shay (2 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine

Elizabeth is a fourth year medical student who is also concurrently earning her Master of Science in clinical research at Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio. She will graduate in May 2020. In 2014, she graduated from Columbia University with a Bachelor of Arts in biochemistry. She enjoys table tennis, learning the saxophone and writing poetry in her free time. After graduating medical school, Elizabeth would like to pursue a career in otolaryngology.