Tag: death and dying

Maxwell Wilberding (2 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Max is a third year medical student at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, IL class of 2025. In 2017, he graduated from The Ohio State University with Bachelor's degrees in biomedical sciences and creative writing. He enjoys rebuilding cars and motorcycles, board games, and disappointing golf outings. In the future, he hopes to discover his career field and embrace it as a physician-author.

A Little Magic

“Patient is a 34-year-old male with a 9-month history of rheumatoid arthritis-associated interstitial lung disease who is currently being treated with mycophenolate and rituximab. He remains on high-flow nasal cannula with oxygen saturations of 84-87% overnight. Transplant team signed off as the patient did not qualify for transplant. He reports feeling well this morning and that he learned a great new magic trick with a disappearing card.” Two weeks into my internal medicine rotation, I …

Can you water my plants?

“Could you water my plants?” I asked my roommate when I was out of town. They say it takes a village to raise a child, make it through medical school, to do anything worth knowing. When I started medical school, I had a village: parents, friends, family, a partner and my plants. By my third year, it was just me. Nothing tragic happened; differences drove us apart. I went from calling my parents twice a …

Silent Strength: Unveiling the Hidden Depths of Grief and Understanding

“Your time starts now. You may begin your examination.” These were the words said moments before a life-altering moment during my high school years. It was a typical Saturday morning, and like many high school students, I was caught up in the whirlwind of SAT preparation and college applications. Little did I know that a phone call from my Aunt Lucy would change the way I viewed life and death forever. To truly understand the …

A Harsh Reality

The transition from the classroom to the hospital was an incredible experience. After spending endless days behind a bright screen, I felt an overwhelming sense of excitement to finally apply my medical knowledge and delve into the world of patient care. My first rotation was in Internal Medicine at a small, local hospital. At first, this setting intimidated me but with time, I gradually grew comfortable interviewing patients, reviewing medical records and interpreting notes from …

Isaac Myres Isaac Myres (2 Posts)

Contributing Writer

UT Southwestern Medical School

Isaac Myres is a fourth-year medical student at UT Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, TX. After growing up in San Diego, CA, he earned a BS in Biophysics at Brigham Young University. He will be applying into Otolaryngology this year. In what free time exists, he plays volleyball and pickleball, reviews donut stores, and competes in local trivia nights with friends.