Off the Shelf, Poetry Thursdays
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With imposter syndrome raging,
I sit quietly at my desk,
reflect on goals for my future
and what it means to do my best.

For my patients, they will require
a physician who’s caring and competent,
upholding the oath of my profession
with humility balanced by confidence.

For my family, they will want
for time with them to be undivided,
enjoying each moment together
when we are united.

For my colleagues, they will expect
an intern ready to pull their weight,
prepared to grow day-by-day
and able to learn from each mistake.

For myself, I must learn to set boundaries
with my career and ambitions,
so I can prioritize my own wellness
and nurture myself as a budding physician.

Poetry Thursdays is an initiative that highlights poems by medical students. If you are interested in contributing or would like to learn more, please contact our editors.

Melissa Huddleston Melissa Huddleston (10 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Paul L. Foster School of Medicine

Melissa Huddleston is a fourth-year medical student at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Paul L. Foster School of Medicine in El Paso, Texas class of 2023. In 2016, she graduated from Baylor University with a Bachelor of Science in informatics and a secondary major in classics. In 2018, she graduated from Baylor University with a Master of Public Health in community health education. She enjoys hiking, jumping rope, and reading. After graduating from medical school, Melissa would like to pursue a career in pediatrics.