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I hear the cries of children at the elementary school across the street

They are joyful and exuberant as they play in the Texas heat

unaware of the fear that will soon be unleashed

I hear the cries of children as they run through another practice drill

Under their desks, they hold back tears and try to stay still

at a loss as to what would motivate someone to kill

I hear the cries of children as they scramble across the classroom

Covering their ears to block out the deafening booms

Some will go home, some will be entombed

I hear the cries of children as they mourn their lost friends

They now view the world from a darkened lens

with injustices too great to comprehend


I hear the cries of children awakened from their sleep

Held by their parents who silently weep

Cyclical trauma, endless grief

Melissa Huddleston Melissa Huddleston (10 Posts)

Contributing Writer

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Paul L. Foster School of Medicine

Melissa Huddleston is a fourth-year medical student at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Paul L. Foster School of Medicine in El Paso, Texas class of 2023. In 2016, she graduated from Baylor University with a Bachelor of Science in informatics and a secondary major in classics. In 2018, she graduated from Baylor University with a Master of Public Health in community health education. She enjoys hiking, jumping rope, and reading. After graduating from medical school, Melissa would like to pursue a career in pediatrics.