Tag: transitions

Rohan Bhat Rohan Bhat (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School

Rohan is a medical student at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School in Worcester, Massachusetts, Class of 2025. In 2019, he graduated from Northeastern University with a Bachelor of Science in bioengineering. He enjoys bicycling, hiking, rock climbing, and reading in his free time. After graduating medical school, Rohan would like to pursue a career in cardiovascular medicine.

My Most Important Lesson from Medical School

Upon reflection, my actions and feelings in caring for this patient reveal how truly afraid I was to be wrong; not necessarily about the diagnosis, but rather about whether the patient would be okay. Maybe coming in daily and opening her chart for good news was just me hoping that my initial impression was still right instead of coming to terms with the fact I was very wrong.

First Day

After our first week on clinical rotations, my third-year medical student colleagues laughed about the silly and awkward things that made their first days hard. Someone was shunned for bumping into the sterile field during their first operation. Someone else couldn’t figure out the scrub machines and was stuck mismatching for the day.

Tyler Whitney Tyler Whitney (1 Posts)

Contributing Writer

University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Tyler Whitney is a third-year medical student at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City, OK class of 2023. In 2019 she graduated from East Central University with a Bachelor's of Science in biology. She hopes to one day become a developmental pediatrician and enhance the lives of patients and parents of those with exceptional abilities. This piece was written one week into her internal medicine rotation and encapsulates her thoughts during her first physical on a real patient.