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Our Visual Art Gallery

Over the past several years, we’ve published articles on how art uplifts our compassion and empathy, enhances our clinical skills, and allows us to reflect on the sometimes difficult proceedings in the world of medicine and medical education. One of our favorite indications of art’s role in communication and connection is our contributors who decide their written pieces are best accompanied by artwork they’ve created by hand. in-Training at its core is a magazine dedicated to humanism in medicine, and like many of our past contributors have explained, art allows us to better appreciate the complexities of the patient-physician dynamic.

We put out this call for visual artwork several months ago, to gauge our communities’ interest and willingness to embrace a new medium of expression on our website. We asked artists to submit with their work an artist’s statement to reflect on what prompted their creating their work and how their art reflects on their experiences in medicine.

The gallery below features all the artists who submitted their work for us this winter. Here you’ll find work prompting us to prioritize human connection as healthcare providers, as Arielle Moss’ painting from the early days of the pandemic reminds us, and reflect on the sacredness of our position, as Yeonsoo Sara Lee’s piece depicts. At the same time, art allows us to acknowledge our own vulnerabilities in this field, as Anna Boeher’s painting does. Melissa Warne’s work reminds us that as thought-provoking and serious art and medicine can be, it also brings with it many moments of lightness and laughter.

We hope that in addition to looking through this gallery, you’ll take time to go through their artist statements to get a sense of how each artist approached their work and their inspirations. We look forward to sharing more art with you all moving forward!

A Gallery of Our Inaugural Artists


Zofia Hetman (3 Posts)

Editor-in-Chief Emeritus

The University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

Zofia graduated from The University of Louisville with a Bachelor of Science in chemistry and Bachelor of Arts in French in 2018. In 2023, she graduated from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. She enjoys reading, wandering through art museums, and hiking.

Alina Siddiqui Alina Siddiqui (2 Posts)

Former Editor-in-Chief (2021-2022)

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Alina is a fourth-year medical student at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. In 2018, she graduated from Barnard College with a Bachelor of Arts in neuroscience & behavior. She enjoys poetry and drinking chai in her free time.